Why people like our Apparel and Management Software

What we found most impressive about InBiz is how easy it is to use. We also like that we can access our system from anywhere, immediately. This is especially important to us as we run a warehouse distribution centre for first-aid products; we need to be able to manage our orders in real-time.

Tony Kourebeles, Uses InBiz for: Inventory, Shipping, Tracking

Our company built a business listings optimization system. We use InBiz on a daily basis to manage our invoicing orders and general customer management. We’re particularly happy with with the software’s clean interface, there’s no need to sift through information, it’s all right there in front of you.

Colin Chapman, Uses InBiz for: Invoicing, Customer Management

Nous sommes une gîte à Verdun, QC. Nous avions besoin d’une solution technologique pour gérer nos réservations, prix pour les différentes saisons, et facturation. Nous sommes contents d’avoir trouvé InBiz car ils ont pu nous arranger avec une solution complète pour nos besoins à un prix très raisonnable. Chapeau à eux!


We are a Bed & Breakfast in Verdun, QC. We needed a way to manage our reservations, blackouts, and billing. We were really happy to find InBiz, as they were able to offer us the ideal solution for a very reasonable price. Hats off to them!

Johanne Villeneuve, Uses InBiz for: Booking/Reservations, Blackouts, Invoicing